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YAP: Your AI Pal

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    Lance Bae

YAP: Your AI Pal

TensorDock's New LLM Inference service

The TensorDock team is absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of YAP, our all-new LLM inference service. With OpenAI API support, you can integrate YAP seamlessly into your Python workflows.

Using YAP

To get started with YAP, simply create a new OpenAI client in your Python library, set a dummy API key (more on this later), and set base_url to

For launch, YAP supports the latest Llama 3.1 8B Instruct model with a max 2048-token context length. Additional supported parameters are max_tokens, temperature, top_p, frequency_penalty, and seed. Note that we do not offer streaming support at the moment.

Here's an example program to help you get started:

An example OpenAI API client that connects to TensorDock's YAP
from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(
    api_key = "dummy",
completion =
            "role" : "system",
            "content" : "You are a pirate who speaks in pirate-speak."
            "role" : "user",
            "content" : "Explain LLMs to me in a single sentence."
    top_p = 0.7,
    seed = 17

output = completion.choices[0].message.content

Our Launch

At the time of writing, YAP is provided free of charge to help us test our infrastructure (hence, you may use a dummy API key); if you have any feedback (especially bugs), we'd love to hear from you in our Discord server, or feel free to email me. Please note that we're also running on fewer resources during our testing phase, so please be mindful of other users and limit your requests to a reasonable amount.

Happy YAPping!